Buildings & Grounds

SMRLD Bigger than a Building

Monday, May 18th, 2020

As many of you know, the doors to the Six Mile Regional Library District closed on March 17. We hope you also know that while the doors are closed, we are still here providing remote services and increasing our virtual capabilities.

What you might not know is how much we miss you!

We miss seeing your smiles when we recommend a good book, helping with a homework question, or finding just the information you were looking for. We miss hearing what’s happening in your lives and your recommendations for us.

Everyday we are asked when we’ll reopen again.

We don’t have an exact date, but rest assured we are working hard to do just that.

We will phase our reopening. Soon, we hope to offer curbside service at our Johnson Road location so that you can order and pick up materials. The book drops will open in just a few weeks so you can return the materials you have at home. We are rearranging furniture, books, CDs, and DVDs so that you will be able to visit us in-person at our Delmar Avenue library to use the computers, apply for passports, purchase your license plate renewal stickers, register to vote, get items notarized, pick up fishing and hunting licenses, and much more.

Yes, things will look and be different. We won’t have in-person events for a while and there won’t be any seating (other than for computer use) while we have to limit the number of people and comply with social distancing guidelines in the building. However, know that every day we are one step closer to providing you the full service you deserve, expect, and are used to getting from us. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Keep checking our website, Facebook, and other social media for updates.

Service Review 2018: SMRLD by the Numbers

Thursday, January 17th, 2019

Service Review 2018

Ribbon Cutting and Re-opening Celebration Saturday, August 23, 2014!

Thursday, August 7th, 2014

Ribbon Cutting and Re-opening Celebration flier

Six Mile Regional Library ENTITLED to Construction Grant

Monday, March 4th, 2013

In April 2012, Executive Director Tina Hubert submitted a FY 2013 Public Library Construction Act Grant Application to the Illinois State Library. In July, the library received a letter of entitlement from Jesse White, Secretary of State and State Librarian.  The Six Mile Regional Library District will receive $2,176,819.08 through the State Library after the library district has $1,675,613.92 in the bank. Total construction project cost is $3,852,433.00.

On April 9, 2013, a bond issue will be on the election ballot.  The bond issue is to allow the library to sell bonds to have all of the local cost share secured and in the bank before June 30, 2013.  The bond sale will be for $1,680,000.  The bond issue does NOT include any raise in taxes.  The library board of trustees does NOT intend to increase taxes to cover the bond costs.  The bond issue can only be used for remodeling, repairing, equipping, and improving existing library buildings and sites; the question as it appears on the ballot is below.

The grant application states the library “will secure our portion of the match through our building reserve fund, a rebate from Illinois Energy Now, a grant from US Steel, and other grant resources.  If necessary we will also secure financing.”  We will apply for a rebate from Illinois Energy Now, which occurs after construction.  We continue to pursue a grant from US Steel and have not yet located any additional grants to pay for construction.  It has become necessary for the library to secure financing in order to have the match in hand before the deadline of June 30, 2013.  While the library board can secure a loan without voter approval, in order to procure the best terms and rates the board wants to sell bonds.  Voter approval is required for the library board to sell bonds.  This is all about timing – getting the match in the bank before grant entitlement expires.

When the library’s match is secured a contract with the state of Illinois will be signed and construction will begin.  The public library construction act grants are funded by the sale of state bonds.  This is a grant – no repayment is required.

Ballot question:

“Shall the Six Mile Regional Library District be authorized to remodel, repair, equip, and improve its existing library buildings and sites and issue its general obligation bonds in the principal amount of $1,680,000 for the purpose of paying the costs thereof?”

If you have further questions about the construction project or the bond issue, please contact Tina Hubert, Executive Director, or Tallin Curran, Operations Manager, at the Delmar Avenue library.




Friday, January 11th, 2013

The Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the Six Mile Regional Library District hereby gives notice of the proceedings of the Board of Trustees described below, and of the February 12, 2013 meeting of the Board of Trustees, to take place at 7:00 p.m. at 2001 Delmar Avenue, Granite City, IL 62040.  At that meeting, the financing of the repair, remodel, and improvement project of the existing main library building, shall be determined.  The plan for repair, remodel, and improvement to the existing library building and an estimate of the cost, is posted with this Notice.  That plan is available in the office of the Executive Director, at 2001 Delmar Avenue, Granite City, IL 62040, and is available there for public inspection.

On January 8, 2013, the Board of Trustees for the Six Mile Regional Library District met in an open meeting and prepared a plan and the estimate of the cost.  The Trustees determined at that meeting the funds that will possibly be available from a bond issue, per referendum on April 9, 2013, is $1,680,000.00.  The amount proposed to be raised by grant from the State of Illinois is approximately $2,200,000.00.  These funds may be supplemented by accumulations.  No funds are expected to be raised by a mortgage.  The Trustees determined the term over which they shall spread the collection of the cost of the repair, remodel, or improvement of the existing library building to be 20 years.

This notice is pursuant to 75 ILCS 16/40-5(b), by the Secretary of the Board of Trustees.

Date posted: January 11, 2013.

Places posted: 2001 Delmar Avenue, Granite City, IL 62040 and


The Special Accumulation of Repair, Remodel, and Improvement Fund Plan 2013

Join Us on Our 100th Birthday!

Thursday, December 6th, 2012

It seems like just yesterday we were turning 50!

Please join us on Saturday, December 15, from 1pm – 4pm for our centennial open house.  We’ll have games for all ages, music, demonstrations, and even a raffle!  Learn more about our upcoming renovation plans, and meet library staff who are usually behind the scenes.

Please note that the Johnson Road library will be closed that day so that their staff members are able to help with and attend the birthday celebration.

2001 Delmar

ClosedToday: 11:00 am – 8:00 pm

2145 Johnson

ClosedToday: 11:00 am – 8:00 pm

Upcoming Events

  • Legos September 10, 2024 at 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm Children's Department - Six Mile Regional Library District, 2001 Delmar Ave, Granite City, IL 62040, USA Come Build with Us! Every Tuesday 5 - 7 PM In the Children's Department, 2001 Delmar Ave Questions? Call the Youth Services department at 618-452-6238
  • SMRLD Board Meeting September 10, 2024 at 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm 2001 Delmar Ave, Granite City, IL 62040, USA Board of Trustees Meetings Schedule
  • Basic Computer Skills - Chouteau September 11, 2024 at 10:30 am – 12:30 pm Chouteau Township 906 Thorngate Drive
  • Teen Unwind September 11, 2024 at 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm Teen UnwindOpen to Teens, Grades 7-12Every Wednesday5:30 PMSMRLD, 2001 Delmar AveSnacks, Crafts, Games
  • Job Search Training Session Series September 12, 2024 at 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm Job Search Training Session Series presented by expert, Frank AlanizArtificial Intelligence Tools to Find a Job - Thursday, September 12th from 3-4:30 PMCreating Your Resume - Thursday, September 26th from 12-1:30 PMInterviewing Skills - Thursday, October 17th from 3-4:30 PMLibrary Training and Events Room, 2001 Delmar Ave, In person and via Zoom.Come in person and receive a five minute review…

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