License Plate Renewal Stickers Available @ Six Mile Regional Library District
Granite City – February 25, 2020
Your library – more than you can imagine!

You can get more than a library card at the Six Mile Regional Library District these days. Starting March 2, 2020, you can also renew your Illinois license plate sticker at either library location!
As the second library in the state, and the first in the metro-east to allow license plate sticker renewals, SMRLD Director Tina Hubert stated, “we are glad to be able to offer another value-added service to our communities. By offering license plate renewal stickers we have another way of generating revenue to offset our reliance on property taxes.”
The standard renewal sticker cost applies along with an additional processing fee of $7.50 per renewal, the same fee charged by currency exchanges. There is no additional fee to use a debit or credit card. The Library will issue renewal stickers immediately. If, however, the vehicle needs to pass an emissions test first, the Library will not be able to issue a renewal sticker until after the test has been passed.
The library located at 2001 Delmar Avenue is open Monday through Thursday, 9 AM – 8 PM and Friday & Saturday 9 AM – 5 PM. The 2145 Johnson Road library is open Monday 9 AM – 5 PM, Tuesday & Wednesday 12 PM – 8 PM, and Thursday through Saturday 9 AM – 5 PM. License plate sticker renewals can be handled at both locations during regular library hours.
Any Illinois resident wishing to renew his or her license plate sticker may do so at the Six Mile Regional Library District.
For more information, call 618-452-6238 ext. 710.
Contacts: Tina Hubert, Executive Director, (618) 452-6238 ext 781
Juliette Douglas, Deputy Director (618) 452-6238 ext 782
Betsy Mahoney, Johnson Road Manager (618) 452-6238 ext 785
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